Investor Relation

Financial Information
Welcome to the Halwani Bros’ investor relations section, which aims to be the primary source of financial information about our company. Our goal is to provide all members of the investment community with regular and continuous access to relevant data about Halwani Bros. Co. Ltd.
Our results are firmly built on business fundamentals. We continue to develop alliances and partnerships with industry leaders to enhance our product portfolio and services.
Please check our financial information by clicking here
Financial Reports
السياسات و اللوائح
Policies and Procedures
سياسات مكافآت مجلس الإدارة واللجان المنبثقة والإدارة التنفيذية
Remuneration Policy of Board Members, Sub-Committees and Executive Management
سياسات ومعايير وإجراءات العضوية في مجلس الإدارة
Policies, Standards, and Procedures for Membership of the Board of Directors
سياسة تنظيم العلاقة مع اصحاب المصالح
Regulating Relationship with Stakeholders Policy
لائحة عمل لجنة الترشيحات والمكافآت
Remuneration and Nomination Committee Charter
معايير وضوابط الأعمال المنافسة
Competing Business Standards and Procedures