Halwani Bros. Co. Announces the Results of the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting (First Meeting)

شركة حلواني إخوان عن نتائج اجتماع الجمعية العامة العادية (الاجتماع الأول)

Halwani Bros. Co. announces its Interim Financial results for the Period Ending on 2024-09-30 ( Nine Months )

اعلان شركة حلواني إخوان عن النتائج المالية الأولية للفترة المنتهية في 2024-09-30 ( تسعة أشهر )

Halwani Brothers Company announces signing a banking facilities agreement (Islamic Shariah – compliant) with Al Rajhi Bank

اعلان شركة حلواني إخوان عن توقيع اتفاقية تسهيلات بنكية متوافقة مع أحكام الشريعة الإسلامية مع مصرف الراجحي

Halwani Brothers Company’s Board of Directors invites its Shareholders to attend the Ordinary General Assembly Meeting (First Meeting) by Means of Modern Technology

يدعو مجلس إدارة شركة حلواني إخوان مساهميها إلى حضور إجتماع الجمعية العامة العادية (الاجتماع الأول) عن طريق وسائل التقنية الحديثة

Halwani Bros. Co. announces its Interim Financial results for the Period Ending on 2024-06-30 ( Six Months )

اعلان شركة حلواني إخوان عن النتائج المالية الأولية للفترة المنتهية في 2024-06-30 ( ستة أشهر )

Halwani Brothers Company Announces the Initiation of Nomination for Membership of the Board of Directors for

the Next Term

إعلان شركة حلواني إخوان عن فتح باب الترشح لعضوية مجلس الادارة للدورة القادمة

Halwani Brothers Company Announces the Results of the Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting (First Meeting)

إعلان شركة حلواني إخوان عن نتائج اجتماع الجمعية العامة غير العادية ( الاجتماع الأول )

Halwani Brothers Company Invites its Shareholders to Attend the Extraordinary General Assembly Meeting (First Meeting) Through Modern Technology Tools

تدعو شركة حلواني إخوان مساهميها إلى حضور إجتماع الجمعية العامة غير العادية (الاجتماع الأول) عن طريق وسائل التقنية الحديث

Halwani Bros. Co. announces its Interim Financial results for the Period Ending on 2024-03-31 ( Three Months )

اعلان شركة حلواني إخوان عن النتائج المالية الأولية للفترة المنتهية في 2024-03-31 ( ثلاثة أشهر )

Halwani Bros Company announces a fire outbreak in one of the factories adjacent to the company factories

إعلان شركة حلواني اخوان عن اندلاع حريق في أحد المصانع المجاورة لمصانع الشركة

Halwani Bros. Co. Announces Resignation and Appointment of an Audit Committee Member

اعلان شركة حلواني إخوان عن استقالة وتعيين عضو لجنة المراجعة

Halwani Brothers Company Announces the Signing of a Renewal of an Islamic Sharia-Compliant Banking Facilities Agreement with Al-Jazira Bank.

اعلان شركة حلواني إخوان عن توقيع تجديد اتفاقية تسهيلات بنكية متوافقة مع أحكام الشريعة الإسلامية مع بنك الجزيرة

Halwani Bros. Co. announces its Annual Financial results for the period ending on 2023-12-31

اعلان شركة حلواني إخوان عن النتائج المالية السنوية المنتهية في 2023-12-31


Halwani Brothers Company announces the resignation of the company’s CEO and the appointment of a managing director of the company

اعلان شركة حلواني إخوان عن استقالة الرئيس التنفيذي للشركة وتعيين عضواً منتدباً للشركة


Halwani Brothers Company has announced that it has received a notification from one of its major shareholders expressing their intention to transfer a portion of their shares

إعلان شركة حلواني اخوان عن تلقيها أشعار برغبة أحد كبار المساهمين بنقل عدد من أسهمه


Halwani Brothers Company Announces the appointment of the Chairman and the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, the appointment of the Managing Director, the formation of the Board committees, the appointment of the company’s representatives to the Capital Market Authority (CMA) and the Saudi Tadawul Group, and the appointment of the Board’s Secretary

تعلن شركة حلواني اخوان عن تعيين رئيس مجلس الإدارة ونائبه والعضو المنتدب وتشكيل لجان المجلس وتعيين ممثلي الشركة لدى هيئة السوق المالية ومجموعة تداول السعودية وتعيين أمين سر المجلس


Halwani Brothers Company Announces the Appointment of an Audit Committee Members

إعلان شركة حلواني إخوان عن تعيين أعضاء في لجنة المراجعة


Management system as per ISO 22000:2018

Management system as per ISO 22000:2018

Management system as per ISO 14001:2015

Management system as per ISO 14001:2015

Management system as per ISO 45001:2018

Management system as per ISO 45001:2018

Management system as per ISO 22000:2018

Management system as per ISO 22000:2018

Management system as per ISO 14001:2015

Management system as per ISO 14001:2015

Management system as per ISO 22000:2018

Management system as per ISO 22000:2018

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To achieve excellence and leadership, Halwani Bros is committed to implement the requirements of Quality, Food Safety, Environment and Occupational Health & Safety Management Systems based on our core values and following Policies.

Consistently achieving and maintaining total satisfaction of our customers and stakeholders by supplying highest quality & safest products and services while adhering to our ethical principles and core values.

Achieve operational excellence through adopting safe & world class operating standards, processes, leading technology, by attracting & retaining quality manpower, motivating them, and ensuring employee consultation & participation.

Providing safe working environment for all our employees and others who may be affected by our activities, by implementing measures to eliminate workplace hazards and reducing risks.

Designing, maintaining, and operating our sites and facilities without compromise to Quality, Food Safety, Security, Health & Safety and Environment features, while complying with environment pillars of sustainable resource use, prevention of environment pollution & exploitation.

Complying with all national/international statutory and voluntary requirements related to quality, food safety, Environment, occupational health & safety applicable to the context of the organization.

We are committed to continuously improve suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness of the implemented management system by promoting risk-based thinking, internal auditing, training, Communicating, and setting objectives. Implementation of these policies will be executed through company policy/ procedures and Integrated Management System documents.

Responsibility for achieving these commitments lays with Halwani Bros Management and every single employee, who shall understand the requirements and ensure compliance in their area.